We care about cars and the people who drive them
Auto Services
With more than 50 convenient locations across the emirates AutoPro operates the UAE’s largest network of automotive facilities.
At AutoPro, we offer a comprehensive range of professional, efficient and great-value products and services for all your automotive needs, as well as a full range of carwash and detailing services and fleet management packages.
We pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of automotive technology and are committed to meeting our customers’ needs. Our service centres are equipped with the latest innovations and manned by a professional team of leading experts and technicians to ensure your vehicles receive the highest possible level of care.
With more than 50 convenient locations across the emirates AutoPro operates the UAE’s largest network of automotive facilities.

AutoPro Facts
Our Services
International quality standards
All of our AutoPro sites are certified to three international quality standards: ISO 9001 for quality management systems; ISO 14001 for environmental management; and OHSAS for occupational health and safety. One of our sites was also recently awarded ISO 50001 for energy management.